Day 3 - Wassen, Andermatt, and Matterhorn Gottard Bahn (MGB)
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The 07:32 Zurich - Milano winds its way through the Wassen Valley on the mid level spiral.
Class 420 No.11159 passes the village of Wassen on the mid level spiral heading for Locarno.
An Unidentified Class 420 decends the Wassen Valley with a service train to Basel.
The 07:32 Zurich - Milano winds its way through the Wassen Valley on the mid level spiral.
Class 500 Pendilino No.500010 rounds the curve on the mid level at Wassen.
Class 187 No.187005 and No.486506 descend through the mid level at Wassen with an Intermodal freight in tow.
An Unidentified Class 610 arrives into the Wassen Valley on the high level working the 07:45 Chiasso - Zurich.
Class 420 No.11195 pauses at Goschenen Station while working the 08:04 Basel SBB - Locarno service (Train 2315)
Class 420 No.11251 stands at Goschenen Station with a test car awaiting a second locomotive to arrive before departing in top and tail formation towards Wassen.
A Class 500 Pendilino exits from the original Gottard Tunnel working the 09:10 Lugano - Basel SBB.
DB Class 185's wait for the road into the Gottard Tunnel. No.185129 and No.185118 are pictured at Goschenen.
Class 460 No.460056 stands at Goschenen while working the 09:47 Locarno - Basel SBB.
Class 420 No.11258 and 11251 depart from Goschenen with a test car sandwiched between the pair of locomotives heading north.
Class 620 No.620075 and Class 420 No.11342 exit from the Gottard Tunnel through Goschenen Station with a north bound freight in tow.
Class 620 No.620065 and Class 420 No.11340 climb the final grade into Goschenen Station before entering the Gottard Tunnel.
Matterhorn Gottard Bahn (MGB)
MGB Locomotive No.91 pushed the 09:53 Goschenen to Andermatt service up the steeply graded narrow gauge line from Goshenen Station.
MGB Locomotive No.93 decends the steeply graded line into Goschenen with the 09:48 passenger service from Andermatt.
MGB Locomotive is seen at Goschenen Station having arrived from Andermatt.
MGB Locomotive No.93 exits the dramatic cliff face at Devils Bridge while operating the 11:53 Goschenen to Andermatt service.
MGB Locomotive No.93 passes over the mountain snowmelt at Devils Bridge while operating the 11:53 Goschenen to Andermatt service.
MGB EMU No.2022 climbs through Devils Bridge with a Goschenen to Visp service.
MGB No.5 Locomotive arrives into Andermatt with the 11:14 from Disentis/ Munster.
MGB No.102 locomotive arrives into Andermatt with the late running 07:57 St Mortiz - Zermartt 'Glacier Express'.
MGB No.107 rolls onto the rack at Andermatt while departing with the 09:52 Zermatt - St Mortiz service.
MGB No.95 stands at Andermatt ready to depart withthe 13:48 to Goschenen while MGB No.21 decends the hillside at Andermatt while working the 12:14 from Disentis to Andermatt.
MGB No.21 stands at Andermatt having arrived from Disentis.
MGB No.95 exits from the carriage shed at Andermatt ready to work the 13:48 to Goschenen
MGB Shunter No.4972 shunts one of the many car carrying wagons which frequent the MGB network into the works at Andermatt.
MGB No.55 runs through the valley floor working the 12:08 Visp to Andermatt service seen passing Hospental.
MGB No.2 passes through the valley floor near Hospental hauling the 08:57 St Moritz to Zermatt 'Glacier Express'
MGB No.81 arrives into Realp with the Car Carrying Train from Oberwald, passing a Visp bound passenger service departing from the same station.
The Car Train avoids the need to drive over the Oberwald Pass (which is often closed in Winter). The train runs about once an hour in the Summer months, but more frequently in the Winter.
MGB No.81 spends the majoirty of the day in a tunnel so can get rather grubby. The set is seen lading cars at Realp ready to return to Oberwald.
The weather at 3000ft is often unpredicatble, MGB No.5 is seen arriving into Oberalppass with the 15:28 Andermatt to Disentis.
As the cloud decends MGB No.21 departs from Oberalppass with the 15:14 Disentis to Andermatt
MGB No.91 passes through Devils Bridge in the thick cloud cover working the 16:28 Andermatt to Goschenen.
MGB No.91 is pictured at Goschenen having descended through the valley from Andermatt.
SBB - Wassen
SBB No.420 330 and No.620 087 pass Wassen Station with a south bound container train in tow.
SBB Class 420 No.11157 passes through Wassen Station operating the 15:47 Locarno to Basel SBB
SBB Cargo Class 620 No.620 069 and No.420 346 haul a south bound Intermodal through Wassen Station.
International Class 610 No.610004 passes Wassen operating the 15:04 Basel SBB to Lugano.
SBB Class 420 No.11340 and No.620 065 head a north bound Intermodal through Wassen mainly formed of Chemicals
DB Schenker Class 185 No.185103 & No.185094 power through Wassen with a mixed freight heading south.
DB Class 185's No.185100 and No.185119 head a car train of left hand drive Ford's heading for Italy.
SBB Class 500 No.500027 exits the short tunnel into Wassen Station working the 17:10 Locarno - Basel SBB.
SBB Class 420 No.420328 leads classmate No.11679 through Wassen Station hauling an Intermodal towards Italy.
SBB Class 420 No.11195 passes Wassen with the 16:04 Basel SBB - Locarno passenger service.