South Devon Railway 'Branchline Week' - 21st February 2015

Between Saturday 14th and Sunday 22nd February 2015 the South Devon Railway held a 'Branch Line Week' coinciding with the School Half Term. The railway is often described as “the quintessential former GWR Branch Line” provided prototypical services using an array of period rolling stock, steam locomotives and also utilised the lines resident Class 121 Diesel Multiple Unit. BR Black liveried small Prairie Tank No.4566 (visiting from the Seven Valley Railway) was also operating freight and passenger services. GWR 0-6-0 Pannier Tank No.6412 returned to operation following a seven year long overhaul, having previously been purchased from the West Somerset Railway. The locomotive had been returned to service wearing British Railways lined Green livery, which suits the small tank engine. GWR 0-6-0 Pannier No.1369 also celebrated it's 50th year in preservation on Saturday 21st February. The event was well attended with trains well loaded. An intensive timetable was operated.
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