St Philips Marsh Depot Tour - 23rd April 2022

The 23rd April 2022 provided a rare opportunity to attend a 90 minute guided tour of the GWR St Philips Marsh Depot (Bristol). The charity ticketed event provided a chance to go behind the scenes at one of the UK’s oldest mainline railway depots still in operation today. With a history established in 1910, the depot has modernised to fit in with the 21st Century. The biggest change being the introduction of the InterCity 125 High Speed Train fleet in 1976, with a brand-new maintenance shed being built, which is still in use today. I would like to thank Alex and the team at GWR who took time out of their busy schedules to make this visit possible. All proceeds from the ticket sales went to 'Action for Children' as part of the FirstGroup Corporate Charity Partnership, raising over £5000 for the charity.