Westbury & Fairwood Junction - 17th April 2014
Westbury Station
66846+70805+70802+70804 6M50 07:55 Westbury – Bescot
EWS liveried Class 08 No.08799 was the current yard shunter at Westbury, and was kept busy all day shunting wagons and forming trains ready for departures. On several occasions the Class 08 was hauling between 20 - 30 wagons at a time in and out of the extensive sidings.
A bold fox makes a dash from one side of Westbury Yard (approx 15 tracks) to the other during the mid morning, with the ground crew of the Class 08 shunter seemingly oblivious to the local wildlife.
66738 6M40 11:55 Westbury - Stud Farm
Fairwood Junction
59202 13:30 Whatley - Dagenham
59104 12:40 Acton – Merehhead